1.   Once the system is fully operational, then one May consider moving to an in-house installation if the economies are worthwhile.

2.   The baseball and basketball team owners have said they will consider moving to another city unless they get new venues.

3.   She had often considered moving to London.

4.   For the same reason, when her husband considered moving to better employment elsewhere they were persuaded to stay.

5.   The Council says that Bonsai World might like to consider moving to a more suitable site.

6.   Now the family may consider moving from the Shankill completely.

7.   The promise follows reports that some Middlesbrough vice girls are considering moving to the town.

8.   She wanted a house in the famous street but which of the residents would consider moving.

9.   And although she does actually have a fixed address, in the East End of London, she is now considering moving to Manhattan.

10.   And until Heritage Canada finds a way to subsidize its hockey franchises, we can expect Edmonton and other teams to consider moving across the border.

v-ing moving >>共 178
begin 18.94%
keep 11.74%
consider 11.31%
start 9.83%
see 6.18%
stop 3.69%
continue 3.64%
have 2.30%
get 2.25%
say 2.16%
consider v-ing >>共 606
taking 2.89%
buying 2.47%
selling 2.33%
making 2.26%
moving 2.13%
leaving 1.91%
using 1.82%
running 1.67%
sending 1.53%
giving 1.44%
每页显示:    共 235